Customer statement ageing criteria: document date
When running the customer ageing snapshot and the customer ageing report, one can select the criteria as document date. However, customer statements ageing is run by due date by default. The most common business process is to run the ageing by the document date. At the moment, the ageing on th...
Invoices print range filters
Under Sales ledger -> Free text invoices, users can select Print -> Range, under which they have the option to select 'from' and 'to' customer account and 'from' and 'to' dates. This is very useful as under 'printer setup', users can select the output format as file - PDF, and export multiple inv...
Retain fixed asset name when acquired through AP invoice
If a fixed asset is acquired through a PO, the 'Text' (from the Line details section, General tab) is saved as the fixed asset name. Please amend the design for the fixed asset name to be retained in the same way when acquired through an AP invoice (pending supplier invoice), as currently there i...