Project templates is one of the most frequent requirements in PSA+ProjOps implementation projects. Templates drastically reduce the time required to set up complex project plans. Please bring back project templates as we know them from PSA.
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

This feature is on our medium to long-term roadmap. We are working with the Microsoft Project team on prioritization. 



Can this be bumped in priority? Or, is there a programmatically way to build out projects from templates? That'd work in the interim. This is a step back; project templating is part of being CMMI compliant.

Category: Project Planning and Tracking


This should be a top priority. Being able to generate projects from template should be a seen as a core functionality for Prj Ops. Every service organization needs this for standardization, reusability and time saver.

Category: Project Planning and Tracking


I don't understand why this feature would have been removed from PSA, this is an important feature.

Category: Project Planning and Tracking