Different file size limitations in Dynamics CRM
It would be a good thing to be able to set file size limitations for more than the entire system in CRM.
As it is now the email attachment size also affect how large files you can upload to the system, both for data import and for documents that a connected to Accounts for example. I would...
Ability to change display name of standard fields
In CRM 2013 you are not able to change some of the display names, for example parentaccountid on opportunity. This makes things a bit difficult to customize the system, especially considering that the set name of the field is far from always the correct name for the customer, not to mention th...
CRM 2013 SP1UR1 can't handle the timezone field
I just added a whole number field formatted as timezone to the appointment entity and form. When I save any appointment, either a newly created one or update an old one I get an error from CRM saying a lot of things, but the main message is: "Crm Exception: Message: An unexpected error occurre...
Be able to set default action on post in the time line
The default action of email is "reply all". You can change the order of the action available under that button and which actions should be available but not set the default action. This would be a huge improvement.
Reintroduce advanced find
Please make a variant of advanced find available again. The filters in views is not enough to acutally find stuff.
Example: Yesterday I wanted to find tasks that had overriddencreatedon set, the column isn't available in the filters
If it's THAT ugly, make it ...