WMS Mobile App - Movement transaction prompt for To location
The mobile app transaction for should prompt the user to confirm the To location to ensure they are moving the material to correct location. The old AX app did prompt for this.
User name change
When a User changes their name for any reason such as getting married, the name change can be made in Active Directory but that name change does not flow to D365. The only way to make the change in D365 seems to be to delete the old User and re-import the user. The problem with this is that ...
Time and Attendance - Clock out workers
Allow multiple options in the Parameters section where you are able to run the program in Batch with either of these options. Currently you can only set a specific date. If we want to setup a recurrence to run we are not able to set the date on the Batch job. There are times when the job ne...
WMS Mobile App - Material Transfer confirmation
When the final scan for the Material transfer menu option is completed, display a Summary screen so the user can verify all scans are correct before they submit the transaction. Without this Summary screen materials could be move to the wrong location or the incorrect qty.
D365 SCM - Warehouse Mgmt physical inventory
Warehouse management should have an option to do a full physical inventory, tag count, by Location. The enhancement should include the ability to count the same Item multiple times within the same location when the Item has no tracking dimension, the Item may have multiple rows of product in ...
D365 F&O Released products for Configured items
In AX 2012 when we released a configured item with the old Product Builder to different LE's, we were able to set the "Modeling enabled" checkbox in the Engineering tab to yes or no based on the need in that LE. D365 Released products does not offer us this option.
We have con...