Transferring Job number to planning worksheet
It would be great if we could transfer Job no. to Planning worksheet and from there to Purchase orders, Transfer orders and Production orders so we could have traceability.
Expand service module for internal workshops
It would be good if service module could be expanded so that can include internal services, for example servicing their own fixed assets.
That would mean that we can create service items from Fixed assets and to add additional fields for information regar...
Transfer unit of measure
As similar as sales and purchase unit of measure to add transfer unit of measure on item card and SKU card, and that UoM will be inserted on transfer line.
Best regards,
Bojan Jovanovic
Create transfer order for components
For customers that do not use advanced warehouse options and do not use Planning worksheet.
For example we have a warehouse location X, and Components are consumed at location Y, this function would create transfer order between these locations for items and expected qty.
Rounding precision on replenishment tab on item card
Default value for rounding precision on replenishment item card is 1.
Maybe to add on table Unit of Measure new field default rounding precision and when base UoM is chose on item this field (Rounding precision) on item card changes to value that is defined on unit of measure...