There is a limitation that it is not possible to add source documents on warehouse shipments if there are warehouse picks that are not handled.
Case scenario is this. Location that is using warehouse shipment and warehouse pick.
Warehouse shipment = truck that is filled with different sales and transfer orders
Using shipping agents as same basic routing setup for trucks.
Let's assume that truck (warehouse shipment) is going on a route on Thursday, and today is Monday. When first sales order to that route is created, create a warehouse shipment and warehouse picks so warehouse workers can start picking items and preparing it a loading dock.
Then it comes second sales order, user changes the status of warehouse shipment from released to open and wants to add new source document while first pick is still not registered it will show this error
"You cannot reopen the shipment because warehouse activity lines exist that must first be handled or deleted."
AL call stack:
"Whse.-Shipment Release"(CodeUnit 7310).Reopen line 26 - Base Application by Microsoft "Warehouse Shipment"(Page 7335)."Re&open - OnAction"(Trigger) line 4 - Base Application by Microsoft
Is it possible to add shipment lines even if there are warehouse picks that are not handled, so user can add new source documents for that warehouse shipment (truck) and for those new source document it can create warehouse picks?
And for warehouse shipment lines that have created picks prevent it from deleting/modifying