User not able to navigate back to their last opened record/from while using "open" option in file attachments. When user opens the file attachment system looses track of the last opened record/form. This creates lot of rework for users
Currently when user clicks on document attachment, AX looses track of the record from which the document was opened. User has to navigate back to the original record again from home page. This is very unproductive experience for end users.
Ability to manage voucher template such as renaming and deleting voucher templates
Currently users are not able to rename or delete existing voucher templates. It is very confusing to remember the journal numbers for different voucher templates. Please provide a good management experience for voucher templates in all journals.
Ability to check out WBS to specific user and lock the WBS form to the checked out user
Currently WBS form is not restricted to the user who is setting it to draft mode. It is open for edit to any user in the system. Please add "Check out" and "check in" steps to the WBS form to enable draft edits to a specific user rather than all users.This will be a good change management syst...
Enable creation of purchase order from item requirement when create item requirement option is enabled
Currently when "Create item requirement" option is enabled in project parameter, AX doesn't allows users to create purchase order from item requirement. For bigger projects with lot of materials, item requirement form is typically used as material planning sheet. Please enable creation of...
Enable project WBS task in case association
Project management has other processes such as issue management, risk management, deliverables, etc. Case management give opportunities to accomplish these process within projects. Currently in case management only Project ID association is supported. It will be very useful to have project WBS...
Enable project WBS task in case association
Project management has other processes such as issue management, risk management, deliverables, etc. Case management give opportunities to accomplish these process within projects. Currently in case managemen...
Job card device to allow user to register time on project activities
Currently job card device allows users to register time only on production orders. There are lot of scenarios where projects are used to execute a special order. In such situation user is not able to register time in project activities using job card device. Enabling project activities in...
Job card device to allow user to register time on project activities
Currently job card device allows users to register time only on production orders. There are lot of scenarios where projects are used to execute a special order. In such situation user is not able to register time in project activit...
Office 365 group support for managing project documents
Currently projects in AX does't support office 365 group for managing project related documents and communication. Office 365 group is a great way to store project documents and collect all project related communication. Enabling support for office 365 groups similar to Dynamics CRM will allow...
Office 365 group support for managing project documents
Currently document management in AX does't support office 365 group for managing project related documents and communication. Office 365 group is a great way to store project documents and collect all project related communication. ...