Currently, the project client integration is supporting only desktop scenario and has no option to publish the project schedule to Microsoft Project Online environment. WBS in operations is lacking some key features such as project schedule baseline, task relationships (Finish to Finish, Start to Start, Start to Finish), slack and enterprise resource capacity management. These advanced features are available in Microsoft Project online and it makes more sense to have native integration to Project online. This will enable project based companies to perform advanced project schedule in Project online environment as recommended by PMBOK industry standard. 



Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.

Sincerely, Annette Bruer, PM




Hi, I would like to add to what has already been stated. In the earlier stages of a project life-cycle i.e. Ideation, where project requests or ideas are being evaluated, this should be handled in project online as a lot of the information is unstructured. Once the project is approved, it should be handled in Dynamics 365 Project Management and Accounting. Below is a RFP requirements from a client to give you an understanding of the requests:
- Capture outcomes, benefits, and comments against each envelope / reporting category
- Capture financial and risk data against initiative, plus other meta-data
- Prioritize initiatives - above and below the envelope line
- Manage changes to outcomes, benefits at a reporting category Ability to provide a portal (or similar) that allows business users to raise Business case requests, capture the relevant data and avoid double entry

Cheers Rob.

Category: Project Planning and Tracking