RapidStart spreadsheet for ship-to addresses
Quite often, customers have multiple shipping addresses. In fact, it is not uncommon for a single customer to have dozens of shipping addresses. There is currently no way to automate the entry of shipping addresses to D365FF. This can't be done through RapidStart, n...
line numbers in lists
This is relevant in RapidStart, but it would be relevant through Dynamics 365 for Financials. One of the shortcomings to using Cloud-based software, is the slowness when scrolling through a list page. If you showed line numbers (say, on the left side of the page), we would at least have our be...
line numbers in lists
This is relevant in RapidStart, but it would be relevant through Dynamics 365 for Financials. One of the shortcomings to using Cloud-based software, is the slowness when scrolling through a list page. If you showed line numbers (say, on the left side of the page), we would at least have our be...
Allow more data fields to be entered in RapidStart, or subsequently modified via the "Export to Excel" function
This past weekend, I migrated a company from QuickBooks to Financials. I ran into all sorts of unnecessary issues that at least doubled the time for doing this.
As an example, your "RapidStart" doesn't import quantities for inventory items. O.K., so I figured I would enter i...
Fix the bugs and design shortcomings in "RapidStart" and "Export to Excel"
Let me start by stating that I think RapidStart is basically a wonderful tool.
In order to use it most efficiently, I usually enter the first Journal Entry line manually, export the RapidStart package, and use that first journal entry as an example when creating the rest of the entries ...
Navigate to linked purchase orders from sales orders
There seems to be no way to determine whether a purchase document (i.e. a P.O or a Purchase Invoice) has been generated from a sales order. If one has been generated, there seems to be no way to determine which one it happens to be. In experimenting with this functionality, I can a...
activate timesheet comments, and make these includable in the sales invoice
This pertains to timesheets and projects.
Currently, I'm not aware of any way to add comments at the line item level, in timesheets. As an example, I would like to add a description of the work performed, results found, etc. I would then like to see these line item-level com...
Statistical ledger
Currently, BC has financial and budget ledgers. This product also needs statistical ledgers. As an example, if I run a car wash, I would like to be able to track how many cars I wash per month. If I run a hotel, I would like to keep track of how many rooms were rented each night.
Create API for Projects and Tasks
This would make it far easier to import Projects and Tasks to Business Central
Exit without saving
It would be very useful to have an "Exit without saving" capability on each card. Often times, users make more than one mistake when changing data on a card. At that point, they simply wish they could exit the screen without saving any of the changes they've made on the current screen. Then, t...