Replace "Additional Grouping Identifier" in InvoicePostingBuffer with logic to add multiple Grouping Identifiers independantly
Status quo: (BC18 and before) The "Additional Grouping Identifier"-Field exists to adjust the grouping behavior of the "Invoice Post. Buffer"-Record by using the following events: ```[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table, Database::"Invoice Post. Buffer", 'OnAfterInvPostBufferPreparePurchase', '', t...
Fix Translation of "Applies-to..." fields in "Price Header Table"
There are 5 fields in the Price Header Table with their caption starting with "Applies-to" which got translated into german with the word "Ausgleich mit" (at least in the swiss localization) This is not the proper translation in this context. Because it is a synonym with "balance" which makes sen...
Improve performance of UpgradeItemProstinGroups when Upgrading to BC19
The function I mentioned crashes our upgrades to BC19 on a regular basis. - It lets the SQL Server run out of Memory (16GB) after about 12 Hours. on a single company with just 22k Items. The code in this upgrade codeunit doesn't look too bad, but is very inefficient as it loops every Items and...
Improve handling of "Line No." in the new Price List feature
A lot of our customers like to maintain large Price Lists to have an easyer overview. This means that they also often insert new Lines where they see fit. Wich creates a Problem for the AutoSplitKey function used on the "Price List Line"-Table.
As you can only...