Include Custom fields when position actions are switched on
Allow for custom fields added to positions when personnel actions are switched on. Ideally they should be included in the data populated as part of the position action or at least enable them to be populated/edited directly on the position.
Search by identification type
Provide a search facility to find workers by Identification type and ID. This is particularly useful in the UK where National Insurance number is used a lot to uniquely identify workers.
SIckness Reason Security (GDPR)
It would be useful to be able to restrict visibility of certain leave and absence plans by security role (in a similar way to the way you can restrict comp plans by security role). The reason for suggesting this is because I am currently implementing D365 for HR for a Global Company in which t...
Enhance Sharepoint Attachement Management
A relatively common requirement from our customers is to be able to store attachments on sharepoint in a structured way to facilitate security and to be able to apply retention policies. At the moment, all documents are placed in a single Sharepoint folder so access and retention cannot be refine...
Fix the Issue which is causing Talent Issues in Azure
I have raised a support ticket and asked to raise this in the ideas portal. (120081921001044) D365 HR is generating 1000s of errors in Azure. The rror message is "The application requested an unsupported response type due to the following response: response_type token is not enabled for the appli...
Diversity and Inclusivity Fields populated via Employee Self Service
A number of customers have been asking whether there are intentions to enhance the base product to capture Diversity and Inclusivity information (D&I) via Self Service (and also any enhanced standard analytics?). Fields of interest are Gender, Date of Birth/age, ethnicity, nationality. Also sexua...