Should allow to configure all workflows on Legal Entity level which should allow to add HR Manager users from respective legal entity.
Currently, we can configure the workflow approval to a certain user (say HR Manager), which is configured common for all legal entities. Ex: if we have 9 legal entities, for all 9 legal entities we can only configure common user (HR Manager). There should be a provision that should allow configu...
Discipline Description should fetch from the master
Under the ESS - Education screen, currently, you are allowing the ESS users to add the Discipline Description. This is resulting in the data discrepancy, as HR Managers are maintaining the master allowing the ESS user to add their own discretion is either duplicating the data or adding some junk ...
Reporting Manager Name should be visible on the ESS workspace
The primary objective of an employee self-service functionality is to give employees access to their personnel data as well as enabling them to act on certain related tasks. I would suggest displaying the reporting Manager Name (of the primary position) on the ESS workspace just like the positio...
In the REPORT TO POSITION section, the Employee Name from other legal entities should appear/visible
Hi Product Team, You should allow displaying the name of the Employee (from other legal entities) without the hyperlink feature (clicking on it would redirect to the Employee Profile Detail page). The name should be greyed out like plain text. This scenario was working in the older version (tal...