Filing VAT in multi-currency
Currently the VAT reports pull from the TX30000 tax table and reports are generated in the functional currency ID. (While most users are on a UK install and have GBP as their functional currency, this won't be a problem with the new digital tax filing requirements. ) However, you can install VA...
"Account is inactive" error in GL when posting from sub-module (PM/RM/SOP/POP) and account defaults in
When a GL account is defaulted on to a document in Payables, Receivables, SOP or POP, there is no validation. The batch will post fine in the sub-module, but will fall out to Batch recovery when you try to post in GL. The message on the GL edit list is "Account is inactive; please activate or ...
Dynamics GP: Update EFT file format for 'ISO 20022' to Version 3
The current EFT file format for 'ISO 20022' available in Dynamics GP out of the box is 'Version 1'. There have been updated versions of this format published, which renders version 1 useless. Please update this XML file format to 'Version 3' so it can be utilized by GP users (that use HSBC ban...
Net amount fields (Boxes 6,7,8,9) on VAT Daybook summary report are incorrect if data had DOCDATE that is over a year old and crosses a year
VAT Daybook was redesigned in GP 2016, and so now the VAT Daybook summary report returns highly inflated and incorrect totals (as compared to sum of the detailed transactions) if the DOCDATE on the data being pulled crosses a year and includes dates back to a year old. The summary report has th...
EFT - add 'total of addenda records' to the detail line in NACHA formats, so a CTX format could be achieved
The 'CTX format for EFT is common but not an available file format in GP. The only field that cannot be achieved is a total of the addenda records in the DETAIL line. GP can count/sum records AFTER they are printed, but not before. If GP could total the addenda records in the DETAIL line, an...
EFT - Add the 'IAT ADDENDA' remittance line to the IAT NACHA format in Dynamics GP
Many banks are offering 'check printing' services and so users need to get a flat file of EFT payments from Dynamics GP. The file format requirements often have several addenda lines needed for company and payee information that the user can achieve with the IAT addenda 1-7 lines. However, t...
EFT - would like 'National Bank of Canada' EFT file format to exclude zero-dollar payments
When a vendor has credit memo's automatically applied during the checkrun process, a vendor can end up with a $0 payment. These payments have a remittance printed and update the EFT table (CM20202). However, when you generate the EFT file for Canadian formats, the RBC and CIBC formats exclude t...
new copy/paste feature for purchasing to include AA
A new copy/paste feature was added in 2020 Fall update for Dynamics GP to copy/paste in purchasing transaction and distribution records, much like the GL copy/paste features. However this is not compatible with AA, where as GL is. Please add the ability to copy in AA data for the distributions,...
DYNAMICS GP: Have company option 'Calculate tax rebates' work with Multicurrency
In the company setup options, there is an option for "Calculate tax rebates' which is used with payment terms. With this option on, the payment terms discount will correct the tax amount with the discount as well. This only works with functional currency. Our ask is that it also works with ...
Dynamics GP: The 'Customer Combiner' tool not compatible with the RM Recalc scripts for 'average days to pay'
If you use the RM Recalc scripts for 'average days to pay', data exists for both customers in the ta780000 table, and so when you use the Customer combiner tool, it sees this as a duplicate record and you get this error: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PKta78000'. Cannot insert duplicate k...