Schedule board to have a functionality to crop weekends out of the view
To have a setting on the schedule board to crop weekends out of the view - for example we know we don't work on Sundays - why to show it on the board? Currently not possible. To have a setting to show weeks numbers on the view. Currently not possible.
Functionality changes after upgrade - ready made list needed also in SaaS
In on prem version we received quite complex list of changes that the new version of the NAV or BC contains. (TXT files that contain: Old version BEFORE; New version AFTER) Currently the only origin of documentation seems to be docker images and even that does not have a complete list of change...
Automatically goecode addressess - lacking functionalities
There is an action in field service than can be used for automatically geocode addresses. Why cant it be called by work flows? I can see that it exists in the system, but I cant see it from a workflow. We raised a ticket for this but no conclusion or reason was found, but not possible.
Reporting based on multiple entities
Reporting features should be improved. For now, you are able to make charts one entity at a time. I think it would be great to form a custom sales pipeline charts without extra modifications (custom fields & entities ). For example pipe line in which we have lead, opportunity, quote(s), negotiat...
Salespeople / purchases for the sales documents and purchase documents
Currently I can assign salesperson code for the user in user setup. I create a new sales / purchase order/quote/invoice and the salesperson code is populated for the header. Then I select the customer or vendor and the field is populated per customer / vendor card. Even if the field is empty on c...
Factbox personalization - when hided - can't get back without clearing the whole page
When hiding a fact box in user personalization, you can't get it back without clearing all the personalizations from the page. Couldn’t we just get a functionality in which we can bring fact boxes back just like all the other fields on the page and in fact boxes?
Default job queue alerts when stops in error
When job queue stops on error, it would be nice to receive information about that. In many cases it would just need to be we know. There are AppSource apps...not working in our region and probably possibilities to create flows that would follow status through web service, but coul...
Approver workflow - substitute for approver
In few cases our customer has raised a question that how they can directly send the approving entries to the substitute person. We did some digging and we think it is not possible. I think some kind of “holiday” calendar for the approver would be useful. So when approver is not there, the substi...
Notify function for the web client
In the role tailored client (RTC) it was possible to notify other users for example about notes assigned to a certain entity. This is now not implemented for web client. Please implement.
An attachment to the bank statement record.
It should be possible to add an attachment to the bank statement record. At least in Finland auditors want that bank statement includes also account statement pdf (customers get it from bank). So basically when you have and bank acc. reconciliation page open, you could attach a document. When y...