Norway SAF-T (NO) tax registration number
Norwegian Tax Authority, Skatteetaten, requires that a tax registration number is included under company information in the SAF-T file if the reporting company is subject to VAT/registered in the VAT register. However, for some of our clients this may change over time. Example: A company buys a ...
Norway SAF-T (NO) SAF-T - Main account mapping
Norwegian Tax Authority, Skatteetaten, requires that a company’s main account in is linked to a valid standard ledger account in the SAF-T file from Dynamics 365. The mapping is on Electronic reporting, configuration setup for the SAF-T Format (NO) configuration, StandardMainAccount_Lookup. Our...
Standard Audit File – Tax 1.1 Norway - Journal type (“Bilagsart”)
Issue According to the technical documentation for SAF-T from the Tax authorities, the Journal type, “Bilagsart” in Norwegian, should be included as an AnalysisType in master data for AnalysisTypeTable and always be used on all transactions. See page 21 In the examples on page 23 in the technica...