When setting up events, we've chosen to use Marketing Forms instead of the standard event registration form for a number of reasons, including:

  • the ability to capture more details which are mapped to a Lead / Contact
  • more custom field flexibility including the ability to use lookup / reference data instead of hardcoded values
  • it gives us more control over branding
  • we can add standard privacy clauses and T&C's in templates so when staff self-serve the setup of an event, there's some consistency.

But by using Marketing Forms, we lose some pretty fundamental features which we get out of the box when using standard event registration page, such as session / track / speaker details.

Suggestion is to give us the ability to "drop in" something like a content block onto a Marketing Page (or even a Marketing Form?) which surfaces these details.

NOTE: Event Passes - and the ability to pay for them - via Marketing Forms is a higher priority need for us, but this is covered in an existing idea, see: Microsoft Idea (dynamics.com)
