All PO lines created for procurement categories set the underdelivery and overdelivery percentages to zero since these cannot be defined on procurement categories.  Accordingly, the PO line for a procurement category must be edited each time it needs to be overdelivered or cancelled (underdelivered).

Providing this configuration ability will allow organizations to improve PO receiving efficiency within their defined company tolerances.

Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. This is a great suggestion! We will consider this in our roadmap.



Mai Kirknel

PM, Microsoft 



Is there any update on if this is on the roadmap?

Category: Procurement and Sourcing


I fully agree with this requirement. And a default purchasing unit per procurement category is also relevant, analogous to the item sales tax group on the procurement category.

Category: Procurement and Sourcing


This is defintely needed as we talk about process efficiencies. We have to 2-way match setup on the invoice and after going through the vendor invoice workflow approval process, the posting fails because of the overdelivery issue. Can Microsoft please add this to the roadmap and allow customers to gain some basic efficiencies in invoice processing?

Category: Procurement and Sourcing


I agree with the comments below. This is a requirement for every client that uses Procurement categories.

Category: Procurement and Sourcing


We also need this ability for procurement categories. It should work the same way as inventory items. If the invoice total threshold is marked as failed the invoice cannot 'Post', but as of now, we are seeing no violations of policy and all invoice matching details show 'Passed' but the invoice is still not allowed to Post due to the over/under delivery error message. This need to be fixed as soon as possible.

Category: Procurement and Sourcing


Any updates on this? It has a lot of votes, is clearly required for efficiency, but has been in Under Review status for a long time.We should be able to receive fewer qty than ordered and just select "Close for receipt" to cancel the remaining qty. Instead we get an error mssg stating 'Procurement category X - Undelivery is X percent but the allowed underdelivery is only 0.00 percent" and have to take the extra step of adjusting the PO. Please address this deficiency.

Category: Procurement and Sourcing


5 years of this suggestion and no action has been taken. Absolutely need it on the Parameter level or on Procurement category level. It's a massive waste of time having to update the PO once you encountered the matching failed error.

Category: Procurement and Sourcing


We have the same requirement in our implementation.

Category: Procurement and Sourcing


Over and under delivery percentage is required for procurement categories. It makes receipt process for non-stock items smoother for quantity variances. Couple of our customers have asked for this feature.

Category: Procurement and Sourcing


We are finding this an issue, some invoices fail posting after fully approved due to over & under delivery of procurement category purchases, this creates more work getting the Purchase Order amended adding in an under or over delivery %. We are using 2 way matching and everything passes at the time of invoice processing.

Category: Procurement and Sourcing

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