I'd like to suggest a feature to the Trade Agreements functionality. Sometimes Trade Agreement lines are created without specifying a value in the "To date", meaning that these prices will be active indefinitely. I suggest that a check box is available in the Trade Agreement Journal Line and if such option is set to 'Yes' the system will then retire any existing active trade agreement for the given scenario.
The objective is to allow users to deactivate existing active trade agreements by posting a new one. The new feature (if developed in form of a checkbox/option) must also be available in the data entity "Open Sales Price Journal Lines".
This feature should also be extended to all Trade Agreement relations:
Purchase Price and Discount
Sales Price and Discount
This is a great idea, saving time, discipline to end trade agreements isn't adopted very well.
Category: Sales and marketing
This is so much needed as the standard Saved views feature is currently not helping to achieve part of this basic functionality. Voted!
Category: Sales and marketing
This has been a need for our users also! They spend a lot of extra time searching to find existing trade agreements with the same criteria, bringing them into the journal using the "Select" button, then use "Copy and Revise" to make a new journal line with new From date, and then they have to changie the TO DATE on the selected ones manually. If it's not done precisely correctly, you end up with another new Trade Agreement instead of an update to the old one, so you have not two but three in the end! It's impossible to tell in the journal which are the lines that were "selected" and which are the lines that were "copied". The users would like the system to find the existing TA's and end-date them automatically to save time and avoid mistakes.
Category: Sales and marketing
I would prefer to fill "to date" with any other date in future too.
It would be so great.
I can't agree the rejection, cause is this function still available, also for purchase processes?
I can't find it.
Looking forward :)
Category: Sales and marketing
Have had to develop this for multiple implementations. Would be a great standard feature. Voted.
Category: Sales and marketing
Voted! Have had to develop this functionality for many clients.
Category: Sales and marketing
Voted up, we had to develop this in almost every retail project we implemented!
Category: Sales and marketing
Hope to have this in the upcoming hotfixes
Category: Sales and marketing
This is extremely useful. The retail functionality, aka Category price rule does not take into account the dimensions assigned to an item. If you have any dimensions turned on for an item it will not work, rendering it practically useless for retail companies who manage items using the Item, color and size dimensions.
Category: Sales and marketing
Would be very useful.
Category: Sales and marketing
Administrator on 4/19/2019 12:15:19 AM
Appreciate you taking the time to submit the product suggestion. We will monitor the votes and other feedback to consider in future backlog.
Lachlan Cash – Principal Program Manager - Microsoft