Please provide the functionality to merge two or more branches again after they have been splitted through a trigger. Use Case: I have an invitation Email for an event and set a trigger for non-openers with an reminder email. In the current situation I do not have the ability to integrate the late-registrations again in the journey - so a merge would be necessary again. (it is kind of a similar functionality like ClickDimensions has with their series and trigger achieved functionality (https://support.clickdimensions.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001167974))

2022 Release Wave 1
Ideas Administrator

We are looking at solving for this scenario with real-time marketing journeys.




Suppose i have to create Customer Journey where i also have to send same mail again to those contact who haven't opened the similar mail, with if/then we can check whether contact opened or not however because of this split to contact we cannot all these contact back together in single flow and it becomes challenging to all scenario when contact get splits as don't want the contacts should miss any of the next mails.join could work in this case, were it will join the contact back to single branch as we wanted to perform operation for all contact(such as sending number of different mails in sequence). the branch cause contact to bifurcate to implement the action adds more complexity to customer journey. with join i guess we can reduce the complexity and leverage the full capacity to customer journey to send mail to contacts.

Category: Customer Journey Design


Can this please also be rolled out for Outbound, we can't make use of Real-time yet due to our email opt-out process being driven at a contact level. We use Outbound primarily so all these upgrades on Real-time don't solve the problem for those of us stuck in Outbound.

Category: Customer Journey Design


The would be a really useful feature in both real time and outbound journeys.From a user perspective it would massively simplify the journeys I am building.Example scenario...Send email 1if opened schedule sales to make a phone callthen send email 2Currently I am unable to easily send email 2 to both those contacts who opened and did not open the email.

Category: Customer Journey Design


YES!!! I need this! I've been chatting to my colleague about this constantly

Category: Customer Journey Design


This is really useful and time saving feature as it also would not confuse the end users who don't understand why they cannot just merge back and have to do complex multi branching journeys.

Category: Customer Journey Design