The idea is to let developers declare table field as obsolete and in a successive release delete fieds or entire table extensions from an app. To prevent data loss just check that the field is empty before removing it.

The reason behind this request is related to performance issues when using many Table extensions on one table and giving to ISV's the possibility to refactor table extensions consolidating many table extensions in to few or one table extension only
Category: General
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team



It must be possible for me as developer, to delete fields and tables of my extensions.

Category: General


it's 2025 an we are still not able to clean up - shamei'm looking forward to see some apps "crash" because of deleted ms tables in bc26

Category: General


This is a very needed feature.in order to be able to make an existing app dependant from W1 instead of BE for example we need to be able to remove table extensions from the appnow we can not remove the table extension, hence we still have dependancy on BE although we do not use the table-extension anymore.

Category: General


The fact that we cannot delete a field that is marked with "ObsoleteState = Removed" is a total unexpected regression. 😮When can we expect that to be fixed ?

Category: General


Even simplier example: tableextension with a few internal methods only, no new fields or any schema-changes modifications.

Category: General


What about table-extension of tables that Microsoft itself will remove some day (f.e. Item Cross Reference or Prices)This feature is foundamental!

Category: General


Long term, for maintenance, this is vital. There have to be hundreds of tables and thousands of fields at this point in the DB that are just collecting dust as they are all obsolete.

Category: General