When a customer is over his credit limit or the payments are due the credit limit check will block the sales order.

By changing the terms of payment into Cash or Cash on delivery we would like to be able to exclude this order from the credit limit block.

In the current solution this is not possible as the exclusion for terms of payment only apply to orders which were blocked due to a terms of payment blocking rule.
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We/our customer has the same requirement.
There should be no hold code when COD or Cash has been selected as Payment term and also Blocking rule exemption.

Category: Credit and collections


Cash payment should be exclude directly from Credit management process.
As far as the term of payment is Cash, COD with automatic payment and settlement, credit limit rules should not be applied.

Customer may have blocking rules but when receiving cash it will not reject the order.
This will be a great business logic enhancement.

Category: Credit and collections


We have same requirement

Category: Credit and collections


This is a common requirement for distribution companies where construction companies get paid when they finish a part their job and in order to be able to do this they need the goods to get paid for all the previous work, so they want to pay cash, so they can finish their job and pay all the other invoices later that week.

Category: Credit and collections