After I have the confirmation that the email has been successfully tracked, I would love to open this CRM-Email record. Maybe where i get the confirmation? the ... offer me to change the related record or to delete it from crm but not to open it in CRM :-).

in the section of contact details i have the option under ... Open in Dynamics crm (but then i still have to navigate to activities and klick on the specific email)... which is quite many clicks and it would be more pefect to have it right under the finger tips.


under the related elements, i can click on the email. I expected this way the email to be opened in crm because i have the email already open left hand side of the sales pilot. but it then opens me the very same email in outlook.office365.com ...

I see that Sales Pilot seems to have great offerings but we have to work on it a bit farther (just to cover the essentials we have grown to love so much in Dynamics 365 app for outlook)... !
