We have a use case that in our oilseed crushing business, there are multiple Co-Products and the By-Products, we allocate a recovery cost to the by-Products, which is allocated from the manufacturing cost of the Main item. So, there must be a provision in the formula to define the cost of the By-Product or Co-Product as recovery cost. Per unit, Cost should be defined on the By-product or Co-Product and when the Production will execute, the system should pick that cost (Based on the defined cost) from the Production cost and the rest of the production cost should be allocated to other products (Main product & Co-Products) as per defined percentage.
Total Manufacturing Cost (TMC): 2000.00
By Product Cost (BRC): 500.00/Unit
Production Cost for Main Product & Co- Products: (TMC – BRC) = (2000.00-500.00)= 1500.00
After applying the recovery cost to the by or Co product , system should allocate the rest of the cost to other products which are part of that formula (as per percentage)
Thank you for your feedback. Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.
Johan Hoffmann
PM, Microsoft