It's great to be able to see Statistics for a single Email, but we need an OVERALL report on the success of ALL our Marketing (by our 4 campaign areas). In ClickDimensions, we had a grid view, with each key statistic under a Column Heading, which we could then export to Excel to compile meaningful data by each campaign, eg, 'Unique Opens for the month of November', 'Average Click-through Rate', 'Average Bounce Rate', 'Number of Emails Delivered', etc. It seems there is no way to do this *within* Dynamics (someone has suggested doing this through Power BI, but our users need access to this data from within Dynamics). This is a MUCH-NEEDED feature. It's is ONEROUS having to open each email, one at a time, and then write down all the stats for that email, then move on to the next one, repeat, repeat, repeat. Thanks

2024 Release Wave 2
Ideas Administrator

This is planned work for our upcoming releases. 



I totally agree with Brian,
At the moment, it takes a lot energy to have a general overview of your campaigns performance with PowerBi too.
It is a shame that these statistics are not at least in an exportable table.

Category: Analytics and Insights


Hi Brian,
Thanks for sharing this one.
We are starting to implement marketing module in my company, and the email reporting is so so frustrating.
There is no Dashboard. You have to check each email details of your customer.
Do you have any updates?

Category: Analytics and Insights