Big upvote for me. Duplicate event registration has caused the 'Add to calendar' button to appear multiple times in Mkt email, exactly what Erick mentioned below.
Category: Event Planning and Management
Agreed this is necessary. Further to not being able to control number of actual registrations, this is also affecting the "Add to Calendar" button in the confirmation email -- if a registrant registered twice, the button appears twice.The logic works on displaying button for each event registration where event = a particular event. So if there are two registrations of the same event, the button is displayed twice.
Category: Event Planning and Management
Absolutely necessary: combing the list of registrations for duplicates is very time consuming and a huge hurdle to productivity.
Category: Event Planning and Management
I agree. When customer registration for an event, we should have a function to prevent or allow duplicate registration based on email field or contact ID. This help event organizer can control exactly there attendee information or Marketing can capture more contact data.
Category: Event Planning and Management
Administrator on 6/13/2024 6:50:34 PM
Thank you for your feedback. This is a great suggestion! We will consider this in our roadmap. Sincerely, PM, Microsoft