It would be great, if the admin can hide or disable the "Tell me" search window.
Although pages are hidden via profile customization and permission set, it seems that via "tell me"/search many pages are accessible like "Chart of accounts". That should not be.
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We are considering adding it to our longer term roadmap. 
Rather than hiding the Tell Me icon, we will most likely focus on aligning hidden objects in Tell me with the rest of the system.

Your help is greatly appreciated,
Mike Borg Cardona
Program Manager, Microsoft 



I would love to enable disable tell me on user setting as well.

Category: Tenant Administration


The old NAV search feature only showed options available to the user through their Role Center. This meant an administrator could personalise the role and effectively block access to unwanted areas (such as the Chart of Accounts) without having to set up permission sets based on pages. The new BC Tell me searches everywhere the user has permission to and because permissions are based on table data only as standard. Here is a simple request which I think addresses the requirement and would be easy to implement. Make it so an administrator can restrict the results of "Tell Me" to only show results within the user's Role Centre.

Category: Tenant Administration


We are creating a custom solution and it would be great if i could hide from "Tell Me" standard pages, possibly using an extension in which I can change the UsageCategory property or something similar.Thanks.

Category: Tenant Administration


I agree, special roles with very limited access to the system should only use role center shortcut.Through Profiles we can disable: Personalization, ExploreThrough permission we can disable: Change role / companyNo way to hide all pages/reports with easeMy Suggestion is disable ALT+Q in profiles or let disable "Tell me" page with permission setsAndrea

Category: Tenant Administration


This would be an excellent feature.
NAV 2018 on-premise has a way to remove the searchable functions in customising the role center. However, there was no way to reverse this once done.

Category: Tenant Administration


Totally agreed. I hope that Microsoft will grant this request

Category: Tenant Administration


I have worked on Business Central and we use to ask me this request. Most of the time companies just surrender to fully limited access as they previously wanted and this create frustration.

I think is a necessary uptade and i firmly convinced that it will be. The sooner is the best

Category: Tenant Administration


I'm an entrepreneur and we are implementing Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. After setting up starting parameters we are working on permission. We don't want to let to much access to company's informations for all the employees. So we've taking time to work on permission. But for a simple transaction we have to give many indirect permissions.

We can manage all the access with permissions and personalization but it's impossible without hiding or removing "tell mel"

Category: Tenant Administration


Yes ! We should hide this button with personalization or with deactivation in the profil (role) list

Category: Tenant Administration


I completely agree!

we need this otherwise it's useless or too complicated to secure our data

Category: Tenant Administration

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