Can you please add this same event on the Purchasing side. It exists on the Sales Line (added recently) but missing on the Purchase Line.
procedure SetDefaultQuantity()
IsHandled: Boolean;
IsHandled := false;
OnBeforeSetDefaultQuantity(Rec, IsHandled);
if IsHandled then
if SalesSetup."Default Quantity to Ship" = SalesSetup."Default Quantity to Ship"::Blank then begin
if ("Document Type" = "Document Type"::Order) or ("Document Type" = "Document Type"::Quote) then begin
"Qty. to Ship" := 0;
"Qty. to Ship (Base)" := 0;
"Qty. to Invoice" := 0;
"Qty. to Invoice (Base)" := 0;
I see this is added to the Purchase Line now, thank you for doing that, although you told me this was not on your roadmap, but you still did it. procedure SetDefaultQuantity() var IsHandled: Boolean; begin IsHandled := false; OnBeforeSetDefaultQuantity(Rec, xRec, IsHandled); if IsHandled then exit;
Category: Development
Business Central Team (administrator)
Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team