Event OnBeforeSetDefaultQuantity missing on the Purchasing side.
Can you please add this same event on the Purchasing side. It exists on the Sales Line (added recently) but missing on the Purchase Line.
procedure SetDefaultQuantity()
Skip CopyAttachment in Document Attachment Mgmt codeunit
Please add an event handler in Document Attachment Mgmt codeunit, function CopyAttachment to be able to skip the CopyAttachment function entirely. We need this to be able to Make Order/Invoice/... when using Azure Blob Storage.
In Purch. Line Reserve codeunit please add the var in front of PurchaseLine & OldPurchaseLine variables, similar to the same function in Sales Line Reserve.
codeunit 99000834 "Purch. Line-Reserve"
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnB...
Table Bin Content, procedure CheckBinMaxCubageAndWeight
Can you please update from:
OnBeforeCheckBinMaxCubageAndWeight(BinContent, Bin, IsHandled);