For retailers in Europe, it is very normal to sell to business via their regulair channels. A business can make purchases and request the paid VAT back in their tax declaration. 

To enable this, the purchase has to be registered on a business customer with a VAT number set. Currently, you are not able to enter the VAT number on the customer account upon creation or update in the POS. This creates the need for retailer to have a back office process to append the customer record with the VAT number.

Please enable a sales clerk to set a value for the customers' VAT number when creating or updating a customer record from the POS.

Under Review



Hi and also print it on receipt and cusomer invoice

Category: Customer and Loyalty


@Microsoft Product Team: Can you please give an update & feedback on this request? Ticket has been open for 2 years and this really is a very common request in the industry.


Category: Customer and Loyalty


Please keep in mind the standard AR parameters (regarding optional versus mandatory).

Category: Customer and Loyalty