When auto-tracking of email is enabled in CE, it is understood that all email will be tracked in the system. However, this created a problem whenever a user trigger the "Reply" "Reply all" and "Forward" action with a tracked email which is connected to an active queue, once an email is resolved meaning "Sent" the said sent item ends up in the same queue. When the queue is used for creation of orders the sent item thus become a duplicate record and would end up creating a duplicate orders which impacts the business process and record management within the system.

The queue should be able to identify if a new queue record is a sent item and automatically removes it from the queue to avoid creation of duplicate records or in this case creating duplicate orders.




Voted! :)

Category: Email Management and Outlook Integration


thanks for sharing Mackie.

Category: Email Management and Outlook Integration


Nice idea!

Category: Email Management and Outlook Integration