File upload is available only for B2E scenario. Ability to upload file/attachment is a must for many business use cases for external / anonymous users.
Category: General
2020 Release Wave 2
Ideas Administrator

Under development and targetted for Oct 2020 release wave



It's 2024! Please release this feature.

Category: General


I can't believe this is still not released.I thought it was going to be released in 2022 Release and I haven't checked until today and to find its still not available.Come on Microsoft what is happening here?

Category: General


Meant to add - should also be a feature in MS Forms!!

Category: General


Hear, here! Come on guys. Get it done!

Category: General


Adding a comment here if the team need more evidence that everyone wants this feature

Category: General


As said by other user, this functionality is a must.

Category: General


Please! This is what people need since 2020. Now it's 2023...

Category: General


please authorization external users to upload files in Form suite.

Category: General


This update disappeared from the release schedule again. Really messed up our plans to use Customer Voice.

Category: General


Daniel Ruth on 8/31/2022 1:41:17 PM wrote:Make that Sept 2022.I'd love to get an official update from somebody at Microsoft about this. It's still listed as a planned feature update in the 2022 Release Wave 1. But Microsoft seems to have added this disclaimer recently:This topic lists features that are planned to release from April 2022 through September 2022. Because this topic lists features that may not have released yet, delivery timelines may change and projected functionality may not be released.And now we're into the timeframe for the 2022 Release Wave 2, which lists zero updates for Customer Voice at all. Has this idea been shelved?

Category: General

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