The Payment Reconciliation Journal has a severe limitation in that it does not recognise when a Bank Ledger has already been posted - the most common example is Vendor Payments. We should be able to match against these unreconciled Bank Ledger entries, and ideally it should try to auto-match as well.

In comparison the Bank Acc. Reconciliation does do this - including the auto-match. Behind the scenes it uses the same Table and Posting Codeunit as the other Bank Rec so this should be possible?
Ideas Administrator

This has been delivered in a previous release (before 2023w1):

The Payment Reconciliation Journal recognized already posted bank ledger entries (like vendor payments posted in a payment journal)
It will apply the line to the bank ledger entry which will then be skipped when posting the journal so that such entries (usually payments) don't get double posted.

Best regards,
Brian Nielsen, Program Manager
Business Central Team



I completely agree with Juliaen and Nikolai. If this idea requires votes, then please view all ideas related to bank reconciliation, that are published in the "application ideas".

Category: Financial Management


I completely agree. This is a severe limitation of the payment reconciliation journal.
The idea is great - posting all payments and receipts, and reconciling the bank at the same time.

However, in practice (in the UK at least), businesses will run a payment journal, pay by BACS and post the payment journal.

This means that when the entries are downloaded from the bank statement to the payment reconciliation journal, the entries do not need to be posted again, only to be reconciled against bank account ledger entries.

There is no option to do this, and so in practice, you will either need to still run separate bank rec, which is messy as only part of the transactions are reconciled, or in all likelihood, the payment reconciliation journal will never be used to reconcile, only to post payments.

Category: Financial Management