Actually the “Regarding” field is not set for now on the CV Surveys. This is an expected behavior with the current logic of your software.

But for the requirements business (users) it is very important to identify the trigger (CRM records) that sent the survey.


1/ Following the closing of a case (CRM entity), from a journey an email is sent to the concerned contact.

Email with a link of a customer voice survey.

2/ The customer responds to this survey

3/ a CRM record is saved in the CRM ("Answer of the Customer Voice survey") but the "Regarding" field is empty.

It's annoying because the user can't make the connection between the customer's answers and the closed case. Several cases can be opened for a CRM Contact. How to know to which box is attached the survey and therefore the customer's answers?




When you setup Customer voice to send upon case resolution, in Power Automate you set the regarding field.

I hope this page helps you: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/modules/automate-customer-voice-surveys/2-send-survey-power-automate

Category: Insights & Follow-up