There is field Miles Traveled in Bookable Resource Booking entity under scheduling tab, this field value displays the distance traveled by field technician to the work order location calculated by System. System calculates the distance in Miles only and these is no provision of displaying this in KMs. Need solution to display this in KMs or Miles depending on region and business requirement. Not all region uses Miles to calculate the distance.

Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Hi Mintu, Thank you for your feedback!

Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future. In the interim, did you consider using a custom field like "Distance traveled" and convert the miles into Kms in this field ?


Vinay Nalam,

PM, Microsoft.



Can you please confirm that the Scheduling parameter has nothing to do with how the Miles Traveled is calculated? I had the impression that this should be a given. If you change the radius to KM, then the calculation of the distance should be in KM as well!

Category: Universal Resource Scheduling


Glad to know I am not the only one facing this issue. The Scheduling Parameter was confusing and it can easily be misunderstood. Would need a solution for this.

Category: Universal Resource Scheduling


According to a quick google search, about 80% of countries (stats vary slightly) use KMs, so to have only Miles in a universally used system is not at all helpful to the majority of customers. Please revisit this "feature".

Category: Universal Resource Scheduling


I am agree with all previous comments regarding this idea. Thank you!! This feature is also expected on a german market.Are there any possibility to get a new setting parameter for a Bookable Resource Booking to select between miles and kilometers as we do it nowadays in a planing parameters for a resource schelduling?Thanks!

Category: Universal Resource Scheduling


that must be a priority!

Category: Universal Resource Scheduling


This is a problem for countries that mainly use kilometer measurements

Category: Universal Resource Scheduling


Yes it is essential to adapt this tool for the european market. i have a french customer that discover this point it is a big blocking point for them.

Category: Universal Resource Scheduling


This is really a key driver for EU user adoption, and having the field recalculated is hopefully just a temporary work around.
The nice display on mobile of this "mile travelled" field: I can't see where to replicate it...

Category: Universal Resource Scheduling


the confusing part is that in the Ressourceplanningparameters you an select kilometer as standardradius for the scheduling assistant, so it is likely to assume everything is shown in kilometers, if you don't double check you might run into an error here!

Category: Universal Resource Scheduling