We also have a LinkedIn PAGE where some of these posts are more appropriate. We'd like to see the feature to be able to post on the LinkedIn Company Page.
p.s. Facebook Social Connector in Dynamics 365 Marketing DOES allow for posting to the company page :)
Agree with above comments.
Without this feature, the posting to LinkedIn is pointless and Microsoft should be embarrassed that your main competitor Salesforce has a far better integration with LinkedIn than Dynamics does
Category: Social Channels
I agree I do not want to automate posting to my personal page but to my company page.
Category: Social Channels
Can we please get an update on this? This is a critical feature. I would go as far as saying that posting to a company page is MORE important than posting to a personal page.
Category: Social Channels
This functionality is really needed soon for this tool.
Category: Social Channels
Please Hurry up with this as it is valuable insight and functionality to a large part of our customer interaction/comms. I would have expected it out of the Box?!
Category: Social Channels
Really surprised this is not included?! Yes can this please be included.
Category: Social Channels
Microsoft please hurry up with this needed feature. Salesforce has this feature already in place since several years!
Category: Social Channels
This is a must for any marketing automation product today!
Category: Social Channels
Yes please! This is a critical feature that would greatly simplify our LinkedIn posts tempo.
Category: Social Channels
Martin Kovac (administrator) on 10/16/2022 8:29:24 AM
With our October 20 release, Social posting improvements, will gain the ability to post to a LinkedIn company page.
You can read more about the new features and experience improvements around Social posting here https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365-release-plan/2020wave2/marketing/dynamics365-marketing/improved-social-posting