In addition to other great ideas posted here for the mobile app, I would like to address these three challenges with the custom filter for offline mode:
1. You can't test if the filter has the desired outcome before you add it.
2. You need to recreate the same conditions for the views in the mobile app for online mode to match offline and online result of the records.
3. You cannot finetune which collumns should be enabled in offline mode. In other words, all the columns of the records are included. This can cause performance issues with large datasets.

To solve these challenges I would like to be able to add a FetchXml query (the actual xml-text) to the custom filter. By this solution, I can test by forehand in Dynamics, I can reuse it for views in the apps and can filter on the columns I want to sync.
Category: Mobile
Under Review



I need to download columns only we needed, so that our customer don't have to waist their time to wait for the big amount of data downloaded!Please give us the solution as soon as possible.

Category: Mobile