We need the clients/partners to install the required QUALITY UPDATES MANUALLY to the required environment validate and then move to the Sandbox environment and then move it PROD.
As a best practice we install the quality updates to Tier-1 (Ex: DEV) environment validate and then deploy to Sandbox validate the business scenarios and then deploy them to PROD.
The reason is Microsoft has installed Proactive quality updates to the Sandbox environment and we are unable to deploy a code package (Bug fix) to Production environment without validating the quality updates that are installed to Sandbox environment. When you mark the package as a release candidate it will take the snapshot of Sandbox environment and will deploy to PROD which will also deploy the proactive quality updates that are installed by Microsoft.
This has increased the timeline to Clients as to test the updates to rather addressing the prod issue.
Also, we need Microsoft has to improve send emails prior or notify to the team on the new changes which we don't see at the movement.