Currently if you are using the "Deposit" functionality alongside the Auto-Match bank reconciliation, an issue arises when recording customer deposits.

For example: I record a deposit with 5 customer checks that total to $5000 ($1000 each). If I am using the auto-match bank reconciliation, it creates 5 separate bank ledger entries on my bank reconciliation. Now I have to apply those 5 bank ledger entries, to 1 bank statement line that was recorded at my bank. This makes reconciling extremely difficult and defeats the purpose of the "auto-match" functionality. The North American bank rec (not auto match) records the deposit correctly as one "collapsed deposit" - the auto match bank rec should have the same functionality.

Proposition: Add the "collapsed deposit" functionality to the Auto-Match bank reconciliation. This will allow users to efficiently reconcile deposits to the bank statement while using the deposit functionality. Currently, due to this issue - it is forcing users to use the cash receipt journal to record deposits. We need the ability to use the deposit functionality effectively.