Please add the deposit as a lump sum to transaction in this method of bank reconciliation.
Chris DeRusha, no negative side effects by disabling the Force Doc. No balance. Restrict this option to the deposit batch only. Your journal entries will always balance per batch, even if they don't balance by doc. no.
MS, you should uncheck that flag onValidate of the Journal type when it's deposit, document this and close this request.
Category: Financial Management
Ariles Zebbar solution above (second comment) works. Is there a side effect that I am not thinking that would make unchecking "Force Doc Balance" (found in general journal template) a bad thing? I need these Lump Sum deposits!
Category: Financial Management
This is important function in the US. We need to be able to combine daily checks that were applied in AR into one or more deposits. These deposits should show up on the Bank Reconciliation as lump sums.
To summarize, there should be a screen where the user can click on individual checks/cash receipts. After posting, the sum of these receipts should show up in the Bank Reconciliation screen as lump sum.
Category: Financial Management
This is standard feature (not documented though). You must leave the "Force Doc. Balance" boolean unchecked on the the general journal batch choses used to post payment entries. BC will then post the amount as lump sum.
Category: Financial Management
This is a VERY significant issue in the US. I am a Business Central partner, and it is very awkward to explain this to a BC prospect. I believe that every US-based accounting system has this functionality. I strongly recommend this enhancement be pushed to the top of the list.
Category: Financial Management
This is a major problem and makes the bank account reconciliation a 2 day process when it should be a couple of hours.
Category: Financial Management
This is a major problem and makes the bank account reconciliation a 2 day process when it should be a couple of hours.
Category: Financial Management
Business Central Team (administrator)