From Business Central 15 versions and above, the development environment has been deprecated, and the options to open, export Tables Directly from the dev. Environment for an example from Business Central 14 to Excel are no longer part of the Lates version of business Central 15;16; 17; versions on-premise and online.

However, it is still possible to open a table by means of table = ..... in the url. The table will then be opened in a screen. However, there is no option to export the data to Excel. Our customers need this to supply data for an Accountant's audit.

furthermore it was possible in version befoor BC15 to adjust data in that screen. As support consultants, we sometimes need that option. We now seem to have no options to make a quick correction
Category: General
Ideas Administrator

Thanks for the feedback. 
In the Business Central web client here is a way to open almost any list in Excel using "Open in Excel" feature (but check if you have permission to operate lists in Excel as there is a new one introduced recently), many lists also sport the "Edit in Excel" feature that lets you connect to a specialized endpoint and edit the list in Excel (and publish the data back to Business Central - with validation). There is also the Inspect Page feature in Help in Support screen (see dedicated shortcut at https://aka.ms/bckeys) allowing you to view the whole table directly (previous RunTable feature) - which is what you mentioned by table= parameter. Unfortunately that last feature does not allow to Open in Excel as it would require generating a massive Excel file server-side.

We believe all these features are enough to provide for the scenario you mention and moreover we don't plan to provide any direct access to the database in order to introduce manual modification outside of validation flow of the system.

Hope this helps,

Blazej Kotelko
Program Manager, Microsoft



Hi Blazej Kotelko,

It does not help because there is no possibility to generate a complete overview of all permissions per user for all users.

Category: General