Two digit date patern range 01/01/1930 through 12/31/2029 outdated
The current situation is: If the date you want to enter is in the range 01/01/1930 through 12/31/2029, you can enter the year with two digits; otherwise, enter the year with four digits. If the user types 29 it is interpreted like 2029 but if he types 30 it is interpreted like 1930 that is confus...
We would like to personalize the ribbon by adding own tab and own groups
We would like to personalize the ribbon by adding own tab and own groups. As was possible in the windows client.
Export table to Excel
From Business Central 15 versions and above, the development environment has been deprecated, and the options to open, export Tables Directly from the dev. Environment for an example from Business Central 14 to Excel are no longer part of the Lates version of business Central 15;16; 17; versions ...
possibility to personalize subforms
For example the Sales Order cart page 42 has a subform ->Lines (Sales Order Subform 46, ListPart) That Subform has actions and there we would like to be able to hide actions and/or change the order.
filter criteria must be remembered on all pages. example Sent Emails (8883, List) it doesn't work there
On the page Sent Emails (8883, List) the filter is not remembered and saved. Normally you can save your own filter, however on the page the filter is saved but the filter criteria is not. This page "Sent emails" is a bit different, the page is temporary, w...
Record has been removed from the filter
it would be nice if there is a notification if a record no longer falls within the filter critera. Like "Record has been removed from the filter." Now the record disappears and you are suddenly working in another record
Work Date unexpected behavior
As described in the documentation, the Work Date is set to the current date for each session.
It should be possible to link/synchronize a new Azure Active Directory (AAD) user account with an existing Business Central (BC) user account.
The customer's story is as follows:
There is an employee who resigned. That employee was marked as inactive in BC and removed from Azure AD. After a few months, the employee was rehired. As a result, the e...
Feature modification for Business Central using Power Automate flows to allow the activation of the flows to be run within BC for users that have been applied Run only users to them instead of granting full ownership
For situations where we have a Power Automate Flows to Business Central where flows are created from an owner of the flow and shared with other BC users that have the respective access to grant them the ability to run the flow within BC when they have only Run only users and not Co ownership o...