The current design of the BRB entity Booking Status updating the End Date/Time impacts our situation of wanting to complete a Booking with the Scheduled End Date/Time values.
Currently when you complete a booking, it over-writes the End Date/Time value with a current datestamps
Suggestion raised in conversation with Jason Cohen on Yammer:
•Toggle for "Update End Time" (Y/N) on the Booking Status
•Toggle for "Update Actual Arrival Time" (Y/N)
•Toggle for "Update Start Time" (Y/N)
•Toggle for "Pause Booking Journal"
•Toggle for "Resume Booking Journal"
•Toggle for "Split Booking when applied - Complete previous, create copy with new set as scheduled for right now"

The problem is that the End Date/Time maps that value into the Work Order, Schedule Board and Invoice and which can lead to incorrect invoicing amounts and incorrect visibility in the Schedule Board
I just want the option to have this setting so we don't have to implement complex workarounds
Category: Field Service
Ideas Administrator

Thanks again for raising this item. We've implemented the most critical part of this feedback. Our new default behavior is that when a user updates a booking status to “Completed” on behalf of an assigned resource, the booking’s end time will be preserved and the end-time will not update to the current time stamp.  

Complete bookings while preserving end time

Jason Cohen & Valerie Horvath
PMs - Dynamics 365 Field Service



The update worked in our dev environment but is not working in UAT after Wave 2 deployment.Trying Field Service app update to see if that resolves the issue before deploying wave 2 in production.

Category: Field Service


Hi,I think by implementing this without a toggle microsoft are causing issues. I am interested if other users have tested wave 2?My view which i emailed through:I do need to challenge the described logic and please pass my direct feedback to the Product Team. If there is a more formal way you would like me to pass it on, please let me know.The request itself from the customer in the URL provided showed they wanted a Y/N toggle. They are simply trying to fix an issue where if they go in to correct a booking that has failed from 2 days ago or was not completed by the Resource 2 days ago when they should have completed, they didn’t want the end time updated to current time. That is where the schedule board looks incorrect and invoicing is incorrect. That small % issue is fixed with this change.  However I believe by not introducing the toggle as requested, Microsoft have fixed 1 minor issue, and introduced several usability issues and taken away something that was working perfectly.I expect once other customers realise how this works in PROD, they will complain.If a work order is completed earlier than planned, the schedule board still has the work order going over the original time. Same if a work order takes longer than planned.Invoicing would also be incorrect.I strongly believe Microsoft have misinterpreted the idea from the customer and are introducing more issues than they are solving. The toggle is the key and it was not introduced with the change. Below is the original post I can find for the idea.

Category: Field Service


@Jason, your answer on waiting for votes is from more than a year ago. Is there any update on this? Are we ever going to get an official way of working around the hardcoded plugins that handle all these rules? Having absolutely no control over the behavior of these rules does not make sense for any system administrator or user.

Category: Field Service


Same here. I've already spent days in finding and implementing different work arounds for this behaviour. Several of our customers were not happy with it. Could be so easy...

Category: Field Service


My colleague Stano needs it desperately, pls help him

Category: Field Service


I totally agree with the OP, the behavior needs to be configurable by the Administrator, there's companies that work with multiple consecutive bookings that do not need/want to update the status to Completed every single day, and even though, if for any reason one day they would miss to do that, the day after it will be too late because the new End Time/Duration calculation will mess up the schedule board.

Microsoft Support told us that right now there's still no plans to change this behavior and if we want to prevent it we have to write a customization that sets the End Time/Duration back to the original value after a "Completed" status change occurs.

Category: Field Service


I have 2 customers at the moment where I have create a work around for this. The calendar is dependent on the technician using it LIVE every day.

Let's say he forgets to close the BRB as complete one day. What happens when he finally closes it to complete, is that the BRB will update the end time to current time. This is just an odd behaviour.

I have isolated the plugin-step that updates the the calendar for every change in "ongoing, completed etc", but it is something I can't deactivate. It is a standard FS plugin and will be reactivated every time MS updates the solution.

Would be great if you could give us the "Yes/No" in the config page of Field Service. Just call the tab "Calendar" and as us if we want the live calendar.. Yes or no.

Category: Field Service