The procedure changed and now the customers have to post it one by one as they do not need to enable Force Document Balance and post.

BC22.0 codeunit 13 - procedure ProcessBalanceOfLines:

This code will NOT sort the Journal on "Bal. Account No." and will post fine.



        IsProcessingKeySet := false;

        OnBeforeProcessBalanceOfLines(GenJnlLine, GenJnlBatch, GenJnlTemplate, IsProcessingKeySet);

        if not IsProcessingKeySet then

            if GenJnlTemplate."Force Doc. Balance" then

                GenJnlLine.SetCurrentKey("Document No.", "Posting Date");

        LineCount := 0;

        LastDate := 0D;

        LastDocType := LastDocType::" ";

        LastDocNo := '';



BC23.2 codeunit 13 - procedure ProcessBalanceOfLines:

This code has added an ELSE with a new SetCurrentKey, it will sort the journal differently, thus generating a failure on checking whether the next Document No. is correct. Definitely not an optimal design.



        IsProcessingKeySet := false;

        OnBeforeProcessBalanceOfLines(GenJnlLine, GenJnlBatch, GenJnlTemplate, IsProcessingKeySet);

        if not IsProcessingKeySet then

            if GenJnlTemplate."Force Doc. Balance" then

                GenJnlLine.SetCurrentKey("Document No.", "Posting Date")


                GenJnlLine.SetCurrentKey("Journal Template Name", "Journal Batch Name", "Bal. Account No.");

        LineCount := 0;

        LastDate := 0D;

        LastDocType := LastDocType::" ";

        LastDocNo := '';

        LastFAAddCurrExchRate := 0;

Further down Codeunit 13 is: if ShouldCheckDocNoBasedOnNoSeries then

                        CheckDocNoBasedOnNoSeries(LastDocNo, GenJnlBatch."No. Series", NoSeriesMgt);

Here it fails because the Journal is incorrectly sorted




GenJnlLine should not be sorted based on Bal. Account No, and then evaluate the No. Series. This will result in a failure, given that No. Series.Manual Nos is disabled, which is common on General Journals

Category: Financial Management