To be able access view only for some users in the product categories from Released products page.
To be able to access view only to some users in in the product category page after opening it from released products page.
Auto report as finished should not affect the return order.
Finished product in BOM with no Batch numbers, none. sales done right. Return requires batch number until we disable auto report as finished. Takes much time to get back to the item setup for each and every return order.
Free txt integer attribute and defined calculation based on it.
Free txt integer attribute and defined calculation based on it.
The problem is that when we define a value which is out of the range, we get model in contradiction error with no details on it.
Customer will need to get more details on the attribute which is failing.
Configuration models
If you define large range for integer attribute type then we can see performance issue when calculating constraint
A parameter in the system which can define if the requested ship/receipt date shall be overwritten or not when using Delivery date control.
The item added contains a delivery date control method of sales lead time set to 3 days.
The requested ship and receipt date will be overwritten with new dates taking the sales lead time into consideration.
Preferably you would like to keep the requested date...
Non-stock item financial dimensions
It is not possible to credit note (or copy precisely) any purchase order imported using DMF if the lines do not have the exact same fin.dimensions filled as it would have if created manually.
Demanding all integrations to follow the internal logic of adding finan...
Purchase agreements - Requested delivery date vs today
The price on PO/PR coming from the PA is taken from the order date and not from the delivery date, similarly possible as from a Trade agreement.
B) Issue:
- Purchase agreement line for price list 2022 (effective date: 01/01/2022 & expiration date: 31/12/2022)
- Purchase agree...
Trace Database Log
We need Customer addresses to be traced in the Database log to be able to identify changes that happen randomly.
Bulk attach images to the same product or product variants.
When importing multiple images to the same product using DMF, the system reflects only the one image.
You can bulk attach images to different products. The customer needs the same functionality when he adding images of different perspectives of the same product.
Need to use UoM conversion in Direct delivery scenario.
When specifying different UoM for sales and purchase, the direct delivery scenario does not consider it.