Most of the times email contains also images inside signature; this implies that user take more time to check real attachments when working with email entity, especially when email thread consists of more iterations.
In addition, each image requires uselessly data storage.

The proposal is to have something that filter image signatures or a job that runs on demand and remove them based on a set of template (since signature images are always identical).
Category: Email
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback.

Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future. 



Naman Agrawal

Product Manager, Microsoft



I agree with this request. Attachments are not easy to manage, and when you reply a thread of emails from EP, all the signature images are added as attachments. We need an urgent improvement on attachments and signatures with images.

Category: Email


I agree with you.

Images also takes al lot of storage, so it would be helpful if it is possible to delete only images.

Category: Email


Sign in to Outlook Web App using your user name and password. On the nav bar, choose Settings icon > Options. Under Options, choose Settings > Mail>Layout. Under Email signature, you can remove picture from signature and then click Save.



Category: Email