When the packing slip ID is generated from the load or the shipment or the packing station, the table WHSLoadTableCustPackingSlipJour stores the link between the load ID and the packing slip ID. Often it is needed to print the shipment ID on the packing slip and invoice lines. However, this information is difficult to retrieve by the developer, and not always a unique identifier. Proposed solution 1. When posting the packing slip from load, shipment or packing station, store the shipment ID in the packing slip header and / or lines (add fields salesParmTable.WHSShipmentId and salesParmLine.WHSShipmentId). 2. Store the shipment on the packing slip header and lines (CustPackingSlipJour.WHSShipmentId and CustPackingSlipTrans.WHSShipmentId) 3. When posting the sales invoice, copy the shipment ID to invoice lines, and if identified invoice header. Maybe it is needed to store the Shipment ID on the Inventory transaction (InventTrans) as well.

Delivered solution

On the load a new field called Packing slip policy has been added.

If the packing slip policy is Shipment, then the packing slip will be created per shipment on the load.

Two new fields are added to the shipment table. 

Preallocated packing slip id, which will be used for the packing slip for the shipment since it will be passed to the SalesParmTable

The preallocated packing slip document date will be used as the date for the packing slip creation.

Preallocated packingslip ids can only be assigned to outbound shipments.

The preallocated packing slip Id is copied from the WHSSHipmentTable to the new field on the SalesParmTable called PreallocatedPackingSlipId and if that is set, it will be used as the packing slip id.

The preallocated packing slip Id is not populated for now, it will have to be entered manully or using an extension e.g. in whsshipmenttable.insert() method.


Needs Votes



Customer has the need to store associate the sales order inventtrans with load info. the same as feature "Associate purchase order inventory transactions with load"

Category: Warehouse Management


Having some kind of link, would be good. I even raised a Microsoft support ticket for this and there is now way to link work or shipments back to the packing slip (delivery note in Australia).
To me that is a fundamental floor in the design, as the packing slip is supposed to be the document that bridges between warehouse dispatch of a shipment and the invoice.
We use it to accompany the goods and are planning to do some extensions so we can capture that data, as we are now using containerisation and want to put extra information about the container structure on that document, so the customer can reconcile the individual containers to the delivery note when they receive the goods.
We chose the delivery note, as that is the one that then gets used in turn by the customer's finance team to reconcile against the invoice. Having yet another document for the customer is only confusing.

Category: Warehouse Management


Enable packing slip posting form load / shipment in batch.

Category: Warehouse Management


An important reason is that the commercial invoice uses the shipment ID as identifier. The commercial invoice is often sent before the actual shipment is sent. When the packing slip or final invoice is created, you need the commercial invoice ID again on these documents or document lines.

Note that a single sales order line could theoretically be shipped in two or more different shipments that are part of the same load. There will probably be multiple inventory inventory transactions but only one packing slip journal line.
In that case it is probably the best to write the first-only shipment on the packing slip journal line. (Thanks Guy Terry).

Category: Warehouse Management