In implementations where Barcode scanners are used (not necessarily the mobile one, but "keyboard" one) like POS, or where user needs quickly start typing the data, developer needs to be able to set focus on specific textbox. There are two parts of this:
1) Set active textbox after the page is opened (may be property on the page?)
2) Set text box focus dynamically from AL (e.g. based on scanned barcode in one textbox, the focus moves to filed A or B based on the value, where user continues in entering the related data). This could be e.g. done through CurrPage.FieldName.SetFocus()

Setting focus helps partner to create easy and stable dataflow on the page for the enduser, which could be dynamic.
Category: Development
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We are considering adding it to our longer term roadmap.

Your help is greatly appreciated,
Business Central Team



I was hoping to see some movement on this requested item. This is very important to our business and the workaround is causing issues. Please consider this soon for your roadmap.

Category: Development


We have the exact same problem for scanning and for other user requirements.this is very important

Category: Development


This feature is a must have
By the look of the comments, nothing has been done on this issue for years
It also looks like this was standard functionality but was removed?
I will now have to commission your competitors platform as they have fixed this issue with multiple solutions

Category: Development


Voted for and let's hope it gets a higher priority, as I have a similar problem and an AL property to solve it would be great and easy to use afterwards.
The only pushback I see would be that if we set a focus the keyboard will pop up on most tablets/mobiles and that will take half the screen. But that's the purpose, so we can use scanners without users tapping by hand, if you don't set the focus you don't get the keyboard, so I don't have a problem with that.

Category: Development


As far as I can tell I managed to get it to work on the web client, however in tablet client it is blocked by the platform most likely so that it won't go out of the iFrame.

Category: Development


@Simon > the problem is, that we are using the jQuery to do that, but from unknown reason it is totally killing the Universal App. In Browser all is ok, in Universal App there are exceptions which kills the client - the client freeze and other side-effects. I communicated this with PG and answer was that I am not supposed to leave my iFrame of my addin... :-{

Category: Development


This is one of my most missed capabilities from my decade developing in the classic client.

Category: Development


You can implement this yourselves in the WebClient
1. Create ControlAddin (1px) and add this one at the bottom of the page
2. Create a function in the ControlAddIn where you pass along the fieldname (=Caption) you want to select
3. With jQuery you can search in the HTML page the ID of this field. With this ID, you can construct the ID of the TextBox.
4. In default jQuery there is a function called .focus() you can use to set a focus on a TextBox or whatever you want.

In RTC you can use SendKeys to do what you need.

Category: Development


We had the same problem (NAV2017, universal app ). This feature would make the universal app viable for customers who need simple barcode scanning functions.

Category: Development



We have the exact same problem here with Barcode scanners

Please bring this back :)

Category: Development

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