Currently there are limits once a RTM journey is live to edit segment (audience) and emails; we should be able to:

A. Update the RTM segment connected live RTM journey (this would effect the next records submitted to those journey live) or allow us to pause all the live journeys connected and then restart require a creation of a new version of that journey to reconnect the new segment, etc.

B. (Related) allow changing of the audience of live journey edit, e.g. segment, in new version of journey

C. (Related) allow edits to live emails dynamic content connected to live journeys; like "A" - currently we can make small changes but need to make all changes




This is adding up to a top priority likely over 20 votes and counting when you sift through the other posts on segment editing, I know you have done some and working some so let's focus on the segment edits so we an break out logic and nest CI-J segments within each other and really use CI-JNote the A. is similar to several other posts on editing CI-J segments including another CI-J segment or in a Journey.

Category: Customer Journey Design