When using a saved view as the default view on a form that is filtered by D365 standard (e.g. Open Sales Orders) obtain an error that the "Query view has been overridden because of a conflict". The view is also not displayed. This is "as-designed" per https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/fin-ops-core/fin-ops/get-started/saved-views#what-data-will-i-see-when-i-visit-a-page but seems shortsighted as users will want to use pre-filtered forms with saved views. The change should allow for that.
Category: User Experience
Under Review



Microsoft, this would be a much-needed fix for your customers. If there are multiple views, having the users rebuild them every time is not a viable solution. Likewise, they don't want to have to reload the query each time they access a screen. Having the option for custom views is great, but when it doesn't work well, it's not such a great option and decreases the users' buy-in on system usability.

Category: User Experience


Getting this error on ProjProjectsListPage and assume it happens all over the application. Would be good if a fix was released ASAP.

Category: User Experience


Same issue in the project table view. Please fix it!

Category: User Experience


Hello, any progress here? We have customers and users also internally who complains about this, it would enance our productivity greatly if a fix could be published!

Category: User Experience


Microsoft Please solve this issue!

Category: User Experience


Same issue in the project table view. I hope the change will be implemented soon.

Category: User Experience


Our customer has raised same issue when creating new default PR form view to filter out closed records.

Category: User Experience


I would like to add that this also extends to the tiles. If the tile was created using the standard view, which is what most defaulted to after Microsoft decided to enable custom views, this threw a wrench in all our end users day to day checks. All of the tiles needed to be recreated using the custom views in order to make any future changes to the columns (additions, sorting, etc). It would be nice to have the ability to select which view the tiles should use instead of the one that was used when originally created.

Category: User Experience


Yes needs a fix asap. Voted.

Category: User Experience


Same with me - I vote for that feature

Category: User Experience

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