In Audit Workbench you have the ability to configure a policy rule type to identify duplicate transactions but the selection criteria for this rule type does not work as it should do, this issue has been reported by the user community but has been pushed back as stated working as per design.

To correctly work you need to define two date ranges:

  1. Document selection date range - To select the base documents you wish to evaluate
  2. Duplicate evaluation date range - Selects the date range of documents you wish to evaluate documents identified in section 1 above against

You should be able to achieve (1) by using start date / End Date, achieving (2) should be Start Date + Additional Days / End Date - Currently the system uses Start Date + Additional Days for both the selection of reports and the evaluation period for duplicate entries. This means that a batch process cannot be established which will evaluate new expense claims against historic entries without creating duplicate cases (if additional days are utilised). If you choose to not use utilise additional days then the volume of your audit cases is impacted and you will miss potential duplicate reports (based off Transaction Date)...

Please update the selection criteria to accommodate the above when checking for duplicate transactions....

Category: General